Suboxone Treatment and Recovery (STAR) Program
The STAR (Suboxone Treatment and Recovery) Program is a joint effort by Meadville Medical Center Health System (MMCHS) and the Crawford County Drug and Alcohol Executive Commission (CCDAEC). The STAR program is designed to provide persons with Opioid Use Disorders (OUD) access to a high quality of care for Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) right in our community.

Get Enrolled
Crawford County Drug & Alcohol Executive Commission, Inc. (CCDAEC)
Downtown Mall
920 Water Street
Meadville, PA 16335
Office: 814-724-4100
24/7 Drug & Alcohol Crisis: 844-643-5766
Call Now!
While in treatment with us at Crawford County Drug & Alcohol Executive Commission, Inc., you will take steps to control your life.
You will learn about your substance use disorder and Suboxone maintenance therapy. You will learn new, healthier ways to cope with stress, pain, and cravings. You will join a community of individuals, professionals, and your peers who will support you.
Our treatment program is aimed at getting you to look at your addiction honestly and realistically.
Levels of Treatment
The STAR Program has three (3) levels of treatment: